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With a heart set on serving others, Remarkable Bags donates 100% of profits to hand-picked charities.

Our bags are hand-woven from natural fibres by women in Indonesia, helping to support their livelihood. All profits from your purchase are then donated to fund life-changing projects for people living in poverty. 

Now that's Remarkable!

Grainy Surface


Season 1: Stephen's Children
$1000 Donated

Many children living in Cairo's slums spend their days collecting garbage to recycle. Stephen's Children provides them with access to education, vocational training, care and support so that they may have hope for a brighter future.

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Season 2: Wateraid
Current Season: $500 target

We often taken for granted having access to clean drinking water and toilets. Wateraid helps people around the world gain access to these vital resources, allowing them to live healthy, dignified lives. 

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Season 3: Coming soon...

Stay posted here on the remarkable cause we support next!

Follow our journey @remarkablebags

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